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The aim at Manorfield is to provide opportunities for children to develop as caring and confident learners who are inspired and inspire others to fulfil their potential, as well as providing a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. 

Our curriculum is rooted in our Christian vision which is based on Matthew, Chapter 25, verse 31 - 40, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, "I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me."

Manorfield’s curriculum is a knowledge rich curriculum, with knowledge underpinning and enabling the application of skills. In order to make the curriculum relevant and meaningful for children, as well as give the learning a context, there is a cross-curricular approach. The curriculum has been carefully designed to inspire children to a love of learning, to create high aspirations and to ensure progress. A primary focus of our curriculum is to support children in becoming caring, sharing and inspiring individuals who care for people, care for wildlife and care for the world around them

csi through the curriculum.pdf

In order to do become Caring, Sharing and Inspiring individuals there are key concepts children need to learn – these are threaded throughout our curriculum. 

In order to understand the importance of:  

Caring- children need to understand concepts such as adversity, equality, spirituality and power to develop empathy and consider what can happen/has happened if 'Caring' is absent 

Sharing- children need to understand concepts such as community, identity, spirituality and equality to comprehend why it is important and how people can suffer if we do not share 

Inspiring- children will benefit from understanding the concepts such as adversitychange and power to be inspired by significant individuals from the past and to become inspiring themselves  

golden concepts through the curriculum.pdf

The foundation curriculum is developed and monitored by staff teams and subject champions. Within each team there are a range of focus subjects. The teams and subjects are:


TECHNICAL: Science, Computing and French

EXPRESSIVE ARTS: Art and Design, Design Technology and Music



Our sequenced and organised curriculum will:

The curriculum is taught through discreet subjects with Art, DT, History and Geography linked to a central theme. The knowledge gained through these lessons is applied to learning in some units, through the Mantle of the Expert technique. Science is included within topics where appropriate, however many elements are taught through discreet sessions. 

Mantle of the Expert is an education approach that uses imaginary contexts to generate purposeful and engaging activities for learning. Within the fiction the students are cast as a team of experts working for a client on a commission. The commission is designed by the teacher to generate tasks and activities that fulfil the requirements of the client as well as create opportunities for students to study wide areas of the curriculum. For example, in Year 3 students are cast (within the fiction) as a team of archaeologists excavating an Egyptian tomb for the Cairo Museum. To complete the commission, they research ancient Egyptian history – learning about tombs, artefacts, and rituals – and in the process study history, geography, art, design and other subjects, as well as develop their skills in reading, writing, problem solving, and enquiry. The use of this technique is to enable children to apply knowledge critically, using the heart as well as the head

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum in specific year groups please see the individual year group pages under the pupil tab as well as the seaprate subject areas under the curriculum tab. 

If your child attends Manorfield, please contact class teachers via Class Dojo if you would like further information about the curriculum in their year group.

If you would like further information about the overall curriculum please contact a member of the senior management team via office@manorfield.embracemat.org 


 National Curriculum information page:
